Getting Started
Click the link below to register in our PrivacEmail secure online counselling system.
The process begins with a questionnaire. It takes some time to complete. But it is important. And it will help your counsellor give you the help you need.
After you pay for your first counselling session, your counsellor will send you a message inside the secure PrivacEmail system. That happens within 24 business hours (which means not on weekends). Whenever your counsellor sends you a message you will receive notification at the email account you provide during registration. Click on the link in the notification message. Login with your username and password. And you will be able to read and reply to your counsellor's message.
If you do not receive a notification you will need to add to your trusted websites inside your email program. Either way, make sure to check back within a day to see your counsellor's first message!
Ready to register?